A head-on collision is one of the deadliest types of car accidents. A head-on collision is when two vehicles come into contact with the front end of each pointing towards each other.
These types of collisions often result in death or severe injuries. This is normally due to the fact both vehicles are often driving at high speeds towards each other, and when the crash occurs, it is like hitting a wall with limited to no absorption of the impact.
Being involved in a head-on collision can cause the victim(s) to suffer severe pain, both physically and emotionally, not to mention the substantial medical bills that often accumulate as a result. If a head-on collision does not result in a fatality, some of the most common injuries that victims will suffer from are:
1. Whiplash
When a head-on collision occurs, the head and neck will continue to move forward while the body will stay mostly in place if the victim is wearing a seatbelt. This sudden, jerking motion of the neck and head is known as whiplash, and causes the ligaments and muscles in the neck and back to stretch.
Depending on the severity of the impact, the neck and shoulders can twist well outside their normal radius causing the ligaments, tendons, and muscles to stretch and tear. Whiplash injuries can cause the victim to suffer for months or even years.
Many whiplash injury victims will complain of the following:
- Headaches
- Dizziness
- Pain in the shoulders, back, and neck
- Numbness
- Weakness
- Blurred vision
2. Spinal Cord Injuries
When the impact of a head-on collision is severe enough, the discs in the spinal cord can become severely compressed. If the downward force during the crash is severe, discs can become herniated or ruptured, and the vertebrae can become cracked or damaged.
In some severe cases, paralysis can occur from the spinal cord damage, and this could include a complete or partial loss of sensation depending on the severity of the injury. It can affect the legs, torso, or all four limbs depending on the location of the damage.
Spinal cord injuries need to receive immediate medical attention, and even then the patient may need to receive treatment for quite some time. In severe cases, the victim may never recover from a spinal cord injury.
3. Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
When a vehicle is hit by another, the drivers' head can be thrown into the steering wheel. When the skull becomes fractured upon impact, a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is often the result.
The brain can suffer serious damage when the skull fractures during a head-on collision. If the impact of the crash is strong enough, the brain can become flattened against the inner wall of the skull which results in brain concussions and more serious brain injuries.
Depending on the severity of the impact, some victims may not make a full recovery from the trauma that was caused to their brain during the accident.
4. Blunt Force Trauma
Even in cases when a victim is wearing a seatbelt or when an airbag deploys, the driver will often suffer from a blunt force trauma injury to various parts of the body. The most common blunt trauma injuries occur to the chest and are internal injuries because of the seat belt restraint or airbag deployment.
Chest injuries may result in broken ribs, damage to the shoulder joints, and damaged lungs. Blunt trauma to the abdominal will cause the liver, spleen, kidneys, and diaphragm to become vulnerable to injury.
In some cases, the victims may not realize they have suffered an internal injury, and they will put off seeing a doctor thinking the soreness and pain will go away on its own. This could be a very life-threatening and costly mistake. It's always advised to be seen by a medical professional immediately following a head-on collision.
5. Broken Facial Bones
The magnitude of a head-on collision is severe enough that even when the airbags deploy, the face and inner bone structure are crushed, causing serious injuries to the eye sockets, jawbone, cheek, and chin.
When someone suffers from a facial bone injury, often plastic surgery may be needed, and even then the victim could be left with a scar for the rest of their life.
Contact an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney
It is important for survivors of head-on collisions and family members of those who do not survive to talk to experienced personal injury attorneys. Serious injuries require legal attention, and only with help from an attorney can you fight for the compensation catastrophic injuries deserve.
No matter what type of injuries you've suffered, contact The Law Offices of Freeman & Freeman today to discuss your case during a free consultation session.
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