Matt Freeman is the managing partner of a thriving law practice that is dedicated to helping people who have suffered serious injuries as a result of the carelessness or misconduct of others. Matt has been trying cases for over twenty years throughout California. He has enjoyed winning trials for over 20 years throughout California.
- Judges respect Matt Freeman
- Juries believe Matt Freeman
- Former clients are thankful they found Matt Freeman
Why? Three reasons:
1. Matt is both book smart and street smart and he knows the wisdom in accepting only those cases he believes in;
2. Matt and his entire trial team work relentlessly; if that means nights and weekends, so be it. Brains are not enough; thorough preparation is key;
3. Last but not least, Matt tries every case with his wife and trial partner – Rebecca Freeman, acting as co-counsel. Matt and Rebecca have worked and strategized together as a team for several decades and they know how to optimize their unique skills to win at trial time and time again.
When Matt is not working, he enjoys riding bikes and tractors. He is grateful to have enjoyed financial success and he makes generous donations to various charities such as Smile Train, Wounded Warriors, and the Humane Society. Aside from raising his own children, he has been fortunate to have fostered other children as well.
- What do you get when you take the ingenuity and creativity of an experienced litigator and the analytical mind of a genius? Just real gutsy litigation and a willingness to put his ideas to the test. You get results. Results matter.
I was in need of legal help with a very lengthy and complicated issue. Faced with this crisis, I was most fortunate in making the acquaintance of an amazing gentleman from your office. He quickly set me at ease, asking me to call him by his first name and intently listening to every work I had to... - Mr. Freeman, Have a good weekend and if you're a dad, Happy Daddy Day Mr. Freeman. Thank you so much for all that you have done for us and especially your patience with me and all my crying spells and questions. Hope all has been well with you, as for us things have been very uplifting now that w...